What Is Work Related Education (WRE)?
WRE is any additional learning or enrichment or enrichment outside of the curriculum that provides real-world experience in your chosen industry.
Our aim is to provide access to work related enrichment to as many learners as possible, tailored to you and your goals.

Although work placements make up the majority of your WRE hours, any industry-related enrichment will also count towards your hours.
Additional experience like Guest Lectures,Competitions, Live Briefs and Trips can count towards your
WRE hours to supplement your Work Placement.
You’ll be using our online Grofar system to log, track and book in careers activities, including work placement hours. click here to learn more.

Why is WRE So Important?
- Gain Real-World Industry Experience.
- Put your Knowledge into Practice.
- Enrich your CV and stand out to potential Employers.
- Get your foot in the door and make contacts within your industry
- Successful Work Placements may result in part-time employment while you continue your studies.

Your Work Placement with CAVC
Once a placement has been agreed;
- We take details of your placement and get in touch with the employer to confirm placement.
- We then request Insurance and Health & Safety documentation from employer.
- Our Health & Safety assessor then visits business to sign off.
We also obtain the following from you;
- Parental consent form (if you’re under 18).
- Learner Vulnerability Form (this let’s us know if there’s anything important we need to make the business aware of so we can better support you on placement).
Once we hold all required docs, and vetting has been completed, your placement can begin.
First Impressions are CRUCIAL;
Make sure you arrive on time, ready to work.
- Check & follow dress code policy.
- Address colleagues and the public with professionalism and politeness (make eye contact).
- Put phones away unless on breaks (keep it in your bag or in staff room).
- Adhere to the organisation’s social media policy.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions – show how interested and passionate you are about your subject area. Try to really engagewith your placement – the more you put in, the more you’ll get out!
- Once hours have been logged and verified, this will go to your tutors and Work Placement Officers for assessment and checks.This is also an opportunity for reflection on your time on placement;
- Make sure to get in touch with your placement provider to thank them for their time and help – This leaves a positive impression on the employer and can leave the door open for obtaining references or even employment in the future.
Your Work Placement Officers
Craig Wade – CWade@cavc.ac.uk
- Sport & Tourism
- Aerospace
- Engineering & Automotive
- Public Services
- Hair & Beauty
- IT
Gavin Owen – GOwen1@cavc.ac.uk
- Hospitality & Catering
- Construction & Building Services
- Business, Finance and Professional Services
- Childcare
- Health & Social Care
- Creative